
Attention to ergonomics and adopting a correct posture is important not only while we sleep or work, but also when we are on the road. Sometimes we sit in the car longer than we would like. A proper sitting posture in the car will help...

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The cycle of sleeping and waking that a person experiences within a 24-hour period is referred to as the sleep pattern. You can read about what we consider to be a normal sleep pattern in this article. A healthy sleep pattern Most adults sleep seven...

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Back pain due to stress is a fact that we always pay special attention to with Dorsoo. It is a manifestation of stress, for which we can provide some alleviation through our sleep solutions. But the consequences of stress can go much further than simply...

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About a third of the time we spend in the world, we spend sleeping. Few of you will have wondered why we sleep. After all, sleep is as essential to our daily routine as eating and drinking, and we know very well that we cannot...

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According to the European statistics platform Statista, the incidence of lower back pain among women in Europe was approximately 4,791 per 100,000 in 2019. For the male half of the population, this was 3,686 per 100,000. Upon examining the historical data, it’s evident that the...

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Sleep is necessary for life. Your body needs to be able to recover and relax. A good night’s sleep is important for physical recovery as well as mental recovery. It stimulates the connections between the brain cells, increasing your staying power. In this blog article,...

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The right sleeping position is essential for a good night’s sleep. A poor sleeping position can itself be the cause of lower back pain and many other complaints. Needless to say, the wrong sleeping position will make things even worse for anyone with lower back...

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Stress targets your neck. And if the stress lasts for a long time, the nagging neck pain only gets worse. Your muscles cramp, holding your shoulders in a vice grip, and ultimately the neck pain can change to a headache and dizziness. What is the...

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Lower back pain comes in two ways. Either you get it slowly but surely, for example after sitting for a long time with a poor posture, or it comes as a sudden stabbing pain after a wrong movement. No matter how quickly or slowly lower...

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