Dorsoo Beverley beddenwinkel

36 Highgate, Beverley, East Yorkshire HU17 0DN, United Kingdom

0800 612 3452

Our advisers are happy to help you in your quest for the best bed. They offer their expertise without obligation to find the perfect slatted base and mattress that will help you tackle your back pain and sleeping problems. You are very welcome in our bed shop in Beverley.


Visit our bed shop in Beverley (near the Minster) by appointment as opening hours vary. Please phone in advance: T. 0800 612 3452. We are more than happy to accommodate a time to suit you – mornings, evenings or weekends.


If you would like to make an appointment to visit our bed shop, or request more information or a price quotation, please complete our online contact form or call us.

Contacteer Dorsoo Beverley